What Dr. Alexander and Dr. Baird Say.
A Talk with Mr. Candler—Rapid Increase of Consumption—Nearly Half a Million Glasses in Atlanta.
A great deal of interest was aroused by two short articles in The Constitution last week. One was a brief interview with a gentleman who said that persons using coca-cola were in danger of forming the cocaine habit had resulted from the use of that beverage. He further said in his card that a gallon of coca-cola contained the extract of only a half ounce of coca leaves, and no sensible man would undertake to say that this quantity in a gallon would hurt a person taking a glass of the beverage.
Mr. Candler was called on at his office yesterday, and when the matter was mentioned, said:
“I am having an analysis of coca-cola made by one of the best experts in the country. I have also asked for the opinion of of the best cocaine expert in the United States on the preparation known as coca-cola. I have offered to give up my business if it could be shown that a single case of the cocaine habit has been contracted from using coca-cola. If I thought it could possibly hurt anybody I would quit the manufacture of coca-cola instantly, although it is the whole of my business. When I get the analysis of coca.cola and the opinion of the cocaine expert, I shall publish them. In the meantime I suggest that you ask Dr. J. M. Alexander what he thinks of coca-cola. He has been using it for some time. I never heard him express his opinion, but I am wiling to risk it.
“I suppose there is not another manufacturer who states the composition of his compound more plainly than I do. Here is what I say in the pamphlets which I distribute everywhere:
Coca-cola is not simply a nice flavored syrup, but contains, in a remarkable degree, the tonic properties of the wonderful Erythroxylon coca plant of South America, which has a world-wide reputation of sustaing the vital power under conditions of extraordinary fatigue, and affords prompt relief for mental and physical exhaustion, or nervous prostration. It also has the stimulating, enlivening, reviving properties of the extract from the celebrated African cola nut. This forms the choicest, most desirable and efficacious remedial combination possible.
Coca-cola renews the vigor of the intellect, rendering the flow of thought more easy and the reasoning power more vigorous; it conduces to mental clearness and activity, freedom from fatigue and power of endurance.
It has gained an enviable reputation, and has taken position at the very front of the leading and popular soda fountain beverages.
The hearty, emphatic and voluntary testimonials contained in this book afford convincing proof that the Atlanta enthusiasm has been contagious and boundless, and is rapidly spreading all over the country.
Coca-cola is making large strides in all directions, reaching out into new fieds and acquiring great popularity where it had befere been unknown.
Its reputation has been fully established everywhere as a remarkable seller, summer and winter, north and south.
We have the facts and figures to show that millions are using coca-cola, and while we cannot produce their individual testimony, the only logical conclusion is that they drink it for the beneficial and agreeable results obtained.
The following pages contain a few of the many valued endorsements from prominent physicians, pharmacists and others “who know whereof they speak.”
Among the certificates referred to in the book the most important is this:
ATLANTA, Ga., January 1, 1891.—Dear Sir: The sale of coca-cola at my fountain for 1889 amounted to (…) gallons. For the year 1890 we dispensed 1,052 gallons, an average of eighty-six gallons per month for the entire year. It is now a well-known fact that my soda fountain business is larger than that of any fountain in the southern states outside of New Orleans.
The magnitude of my business has been very greatly increased by the acquisition of a large number of customers who drink coca-cola for the tonic properties which no other soda fountain drink contains. Another valuable feature about it is the great winter demand. While the early frost freeze out the other fancy drinks the demand for coca-cola holds good all through the year. Yours truly,
The following statement of coca-cola consumed in Atlanta shows how the beverage has grown in favor:
No.Glasses Year's Gallons. 1 oz.5 cts. Receipts. W.F. Venable 1,032 132,096 $6,604 80 J.H. Nunnally 677 86,656 4,332 80 Beermann & Silverman. 427 54,656 2,732 80 Elkin-Watson Drug Co. 376 48,128 2,406 40 C. O. Tyner 336 43,008 2,150 40 John Venable 245 31,360 1,568 00 Benjamin & Cronheim 165 21,120 1,056 00 S. L. Phillips & Co. 154 19,712 985 60 Other fountains 88 11,264 563 20 ----- ------ --------- Totals 3,500 448,000 $22,400 00
What Dr. Alexander Says.
When Dr. Alexander was asked what he though of cocacola, he said:
“As prepared and sold here, it is perfectly harmless. I use it regularly, and find it has a delightful effect when I am tired. It is a mild, nervous stimulant.
“The soldiers in India eat coca leaves on the march, and it enables them to endure long marches without fatigue. It also enables men to go for some time without food.
“Fourteen gallons of anything would be injurious, but a glass of coca-cola occasionally would not hurt anybody.”
Dr. Baird, of the board of health, was asked over the telephone what he thought of coca cola:
“I don’t know anything about it; I have no idea what it contains,” he replied.
“Mr. Candler says a gallon contains the extract of a half ounce of coca leaves.”
“Oh,” said Dr. Baird, “I don’t think there is any harm in the coca leaves. That quantity would not injure anybody. I think the principle is something like tea. It is a kind of stimulant.”