Changing Street Names.

The Constitution: Atlanta, GA

Tuesday, October 20, 1903

The protest made by Mr. Forrest Adair to the city council yesterday against the frequent and often capricious changing of the names of streets in the city is deserving of that body.

The value of certainty in the metes and bounds used in describing real estate grows in importance with the growth of the city. The activity of the real estate market is dependent in large measure upon the accuracy and permanency of such descriptions, the more so as the city fills up with new citizens. They are unacquainted with our old maps and the metamorphoses of local names. They look only to the chain of titles and, as Mr. Adair says, they frequently refuse a property because of the vagarious changes of the names of streets that occur in consecutive deeds.

A yet greater reason why council should be slow to change the names of our thoroughfares is the fact that already the names of landmark streets have been changed, the honors paid to pioneer citizens obliterated and names that should have remained linked with localities and thoroughfares crossed off our map for fanciful and unsuggestive substitutes, in some cases these changes have almost amounted to a profanation of the fathers of the city. The names of former mayors, even of that one who heroically bore the interests of the city in the awful days of Sherman’s siege and occupancy, the noble James M. Calhoun, have been sacrificed for meaningless titles.

Change Whitehall street to “Commerce avenue,” Marietta street to “Bucephalus boulevard,” and Peachtree street to “Elite avenue,” and by those three simple substitutions that can be adopted in three minutes in council, the Atlanta of history and of common knowledge and pride throughout Georgia and the union will be obliterated.

Patriotic and commercial reasons, especially the important one of making readable and acceptable titles to real estate, are plenty enough to cause council to deliberate long before it takes down the names of well-known streets to replace them with the tony and pride-tickling titles that have been invented without rhyme or reason. We trust the city is at the end of that sort of uncalled for vandalism.


The Constitution: Atlanta, GA

TUESday, October 20, 1903

Was Changed to Whitehall Place by Council Yesterday.

The name of Smith street, from Whitehall street to Glenn street, was Monday afternoon changed by council to Whitehall place and if Mayor Howell gives his approval to the measure it will become a law.

Forrest Adair, for the real estate men, spoke against the change of name, but the members of the body believed that the wishes of the residents of the street should be regarded.

The report of the street committee, which was favorable in changing the name of Smith street to Whitehall place, having been read, the privilege of the floor was extended to Forrest Adair, who spoke against the custom of changing the names of the streets. A number of real estate men and attorneys were present.

Mr. Adair said:

“Before final action is taken on the report of the street committee to change the name of Smith street to Whitehall place I desire to present certain facts taken from the record in reference to the custom or habit into which the council has fallen of making such changes.

“In doing this I wish to distinctly disclaim any desire to personally oppose any of the residents of that street. I am interested in the ownership of property on the street, and will aid them in any movement that may lead to its improvement.

“I have prepared from the records a list which I herewith present to you, showing that four hundred and forty-seven changes have been made in the names of streets, several of them having borne as many as eight different names.

“This causes serious trouble and inconvenience to the real estate agents, attorneys and to the property owners themselves in trading titles when real estate is sold, it being well nigh impossible to convince one from the record of the correct identity of the lot so variously described.

“My firm has just sold a piece of property on the corner of Walton street and Tabernacle place, and the deed of the present owner describes it as being on the corner of Walton and Harris streets, while the next deed in the chain of title describes it as being on the corner of Foundry street. I have actually known of titles being rejected on account of the doubt as to identity.

“How many of you gentlemen of the city council can now direct a stranger to the six Peachtree streets? We have the one peerless Peachtree, and in addition, West Peachtree, Peachtree place, West Peachtree place, Peachtree road and East Peachtree terrace, which, however, has recently been changed back to its original name, because no one can find it.

“Smith, the street now under consideraytion, has been variously known as Stephen, South, Simpson, Newman and Gate City.

Named for a Pioneer.

“This street was named for an honored pioneer citizen, Mr. Windsor Smith, who, in the ante-vellum days, together with the Colliers, Jones, Loyd, Calhoun, Joseph Thompson, Richard Peters and others, were by their brain, industry and enterprise helping Marthasville to discard her swaddling clothes, thereby making this great city of Atlanta a possibility.

“In 1861, just as the darkness and gloom of a civil war appeared on the horizon, Mr. Smith died, and ten years later his friends and neighbors, who knew of his value and worth to the community, paid to his memory a tribute by giving one of the cities arteries of trade his name.

“The others were in like manner honored by those who thought it fitting to in some way carry down to after generations the names of the fathers of our beloved city.

“One by one, and for no good reason, in order to gratify the whim of the residents, whose minds are as vacillating as the winds, you have ruthlessly taken away this honor and shattered the only monuments to many of them.

“Calhoun was changed to Piedmont and absolutely no benefit has been derived therefrom.

“Loyd to Central avenue, and lots on that street bring no more per front foot.

“Collins to Courtland, and yet Maison de Joie still flourish furnishing superior facilities for our sons to prostitute their persons, debauch their souls and cut each other down in midnight drunken brawls.

“You robbed Joseph Thompson, the father of Mrs. Richard Peters, Mrs. Thomas M. Clarke, Joseph and Edgar Thompson, of the tribute paid to him because, by your permissions, the street had become disreputable.

“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet,” and Madison avenue today with its cess pools and slimy sewers of men’s passions, its supurating sores, its reeking ulcers on the social body, emits its stinking odors as high toward the heavens as Thompson street ever did.

Clean the Streets.

“If our only monuments of marble and bronze, erected to Hill and Grady, were to become damaged or discolored, would you change their names or cleanse them? In all respect to you gentlemen, I say that your duty was to remove the stain from the streets rather than efface the tribute to the memory of the grand men who had been thus honored.

“In West End, near my home, are two streets named for the two heroes, Lee and Gordon, and on the north side, Forrest avenue, named for the recklessly valiant genius, whose name I am proud to bear.

“A councilman who would even suggest a change of these names would bring down upon himself the condemnation of his constituents, and the resolution if read in this chamber would be drowned with hisses.

“The names of these heroes are reverenced by us because they led in the fight for principles and for a cause we love and yet I say to you that in the battle of building up our city and its enterprises, Thompson, Calhoun, Colliers, Smith, Peters and others fought just as valiantly, ever ready to lay upon the altar their labor, their fortunes or their lives.

“I submit that aside from the legal authority with which you may be clothed, viewing this matter in its broader sense of right and justice, you really have no right to make such changes, and I apeal to you in behalf of the families of these pioneers who did more for our city than any man who lives today and in behalf of the business men and citizens at large, to put a stop to this absolutely unnecessary and confusing custom of changing the names of streets.”

Councilman Winn, who presented the resolution changing the name of Smith street, stated that he had done so because the residents of the thoroughfare had requested him to have the name changed.

The report of the street committee was adopted and the name of Smith street from Whitehall to Glenn streets, will therefore be known in the future as Whitehall place if the mayor approves.


The Constitution - October 17, 1903 - p7 - courtesy of

The Constitution: Atlanta, GA

Saturday, October 17, 1903

Startling State of Affairs Brought to Attention of Councilmen.

Evidence of Proposed Change in Name of Smith Street, Which Is Favorably Recommended by Street Committee.

The fact that more than 225 streets of Atlanta have had from two to eight names, resulting in confusion and trouble to the real estate agents and the attorneys, was brought to the attention of the street committee of council, of which Alderman Terry is chairman, yesterday afternoon by Forrest Adair, who introduced this evidence in opposing the proposed change in name of Smith street to Whitehall place.

Petitions from fifty-eight members of the bar and from twenty-one real estate dealers were presented to the committee by Mr. Adair at the same time he offered a list of those streets whose names have been changed.

Notwithstanding the statements of Mr. Adair and the petition from attorneys and real estate men the committee decided to again recommend that the name of Smith street be changed. The matter now goes to council, where it will be acted upon during the session next Monday afternoon. Residents of the street desire the change in name.

In opposing the proposed change in the name of the street Mr. Adair state that in many instances titles had become so confused as a result of the constant change in the names of streets that parties now claim land that is in no manner described by their deeds.

Parties who desired to sell their land and those who desired borrowing money on their property often found it impossible to attain these ends because of the changes that had been made in the names of the streets. In addition to this, he said, there is no index to the records of the city, and as a consequence it is with much difficulty that the identity of the present streets is established.

Changes in Street Names

The list presented by Mr. Adair, showing the changes in the names of about 225 streets, is as follows:

Abbott street, formerly D’Alvigny street.

North avenue, formerly Emma street.

Lindsay street, formerly Norrall street.

Drew street, formerly Oliver street.

English avenue, formerly Milledge avenue, Riley street.

Raine avenue, formerly Franklin street.

Julian street, formerly Jackson street.

Travis street, Wilson street.

Elm street, formerly Goddard street, Eisle street.

Chestnut street, formerly Travis street.

Lucile avenue, formerly Porter avenue, Pearl street.

Oak street, formerly Amos street.

Rossmer street, formerly Alexander street.

Culberson street, formerly Pearl street.

Gordon street, formerly Villa Rica road.

Oglethorpe avenue, formerly Baugh street.

Grady place, formerly Jean street.

Whitehall street, formerly Railroad avenue, Peachtree street.

McPherson avenue, formerly Murphy street.

Mitchell street, formerly Gray street, Stockton street.

Parsons street, formerly South street.

Fair street, formerly Stephens street, Holcombe street.

Boaz street, formerly Bowie street.

Brown street, formerly Broomhead street.

Ficken street, formerly Battle street.

Tyler street, formerly Henry street.

Thurmond street, formerly Spencer street, Turman, Brickyard street.

Carter street, formerly Jack, Jett and Caster streets.

Hunter street, formerly Mayson & Turner’s ferry road, Battle Hill avenue.

Ashby street, formerly fairground street.

Granger street, formerly Herbert street.

Sunset avenue, formerly Arthur street, Elm street.

Burckel street, formerly Beasel street.

Humphries street, formerly Sumter street.

Smith street, formerly Gate City street.

Ira street, formerly Crowell street, Haven street.

Stewart avenue, formerly Vine, Humphries, Kreis streets, New Whitehall road, Ocmulgee.

Hobson avenue, formerly Philips street.

Cherry street, formerly Mathews street.

Evans street, formerly Blanche, Garner streets.

Benjamin street, formerly James street.

West End avenue, formerly Thrasher street.

Park street, formerly Salter street.

Georgia avenue, formerly Andrews, Bass, Anderson, Sharp streets.

Dodd avenue, formerly Dora avenue, Dodd street.

Love street, formerly Lane street.

Atlanta avenue, formerly Gardner Park avenue, Cottingham, Harden, and Montgomery streets, Benning.

Ormond street, formerly Orman, Ormewood streets.

Doane street, formerly Davis, Dorne, Daniel streets.

Formwalt street, formerly Pulliam, Fourteenth streets.

Pryor street, formerly Depot streets, Line street.

Central avenue, formerly Bass, Loyd, Lott streets.

Pulliam street, formerly Sullivan street, Loyd streets.

Washington street, formerly Collins street.

Capitol avenue, formerly McDonough street.

Sixth street, formerly Seventh street.

Fifth street, formerly Sixth, Moore and Hill streets.

Spring street, formerly Pear street.

Fourth street, formerly Keith street.

Marietta street, formerly Montgomery, Ferry road, Payne street.

Tifton street, formerly South street.

Berne street, formerly Little Switzerland ave.

Ormewood avenue, formerly Park avenue.

Cloverdale street, formerly Robinson avenue.

Rawlins street, formerly Herren, Dora streets.

McCreary street, formerly McCrary street.

University avenue, formerly South street or avenue, Oakland avenue.

Ridge street, formerly East Pryor and McDaniel streets.

McDonough street, formerly Ridge avenue.

Fortress avenue, formerly Tudor street.

Crew street, formerly Morris avenue, Ann street, South avenue.

Pavillion street, formerly Anderson street.

Bass street, formerly Love street.

South avenue, formerly George street.

Kent street, formerly New street.

Park avenue, formerly George street.

Austin avenue, formerly Moreland avenue.

Lawshe street, formerly Dallas street.

Emerson street, formerly Sycamore street.

Meredith street, formerly May street.

Woodward avenue, formerly Chatham street and Jones.

Kolb street, formerly Old Flat Shoals road.

New Flat Shoals road, formerly Glynn, Glenn streets.

Wylie street, formerly Tennelle, Wyly, Lee, Hulsey street, Flat Shoals road.

Marcus street, formerly Wallace street.

Kirkwood avenue, formerly Waterhouse street.

Harold street, formerly Jefferson street.

Gaskell street, formerly Elswald, East Hunter streets.

Boulevard Factory street, formerly Borne, Seavy streets.

Cornelia streets, formerly Lane, Love streets.

Ella street, formerly Ellner, Ellen streets.

Gunby street, formerly Wilson street.

Berean avenue, formerly Mills, Langford, Badger streets.

Powell street, formerly Cameron avenue, Borne street.

Estoria street, formerly New street.

South Delta place, formerly Oak, Lee, Wylie, Hulsey streets.

Williams mill road, formerly Distillery, Durand, Decatur roads.

Copenhill avenue, formerly Haygood avenue.

Lake avenue, formerly Forrest avenue, Forrest street, Decatur turnpike.

Euclid avenue, formerly Turnpike road, Atlanta and Stone Mountain pike road.

Augusta avenue, formerly Ponce de Leon avenue, Love street.

Smith street, formerly Stephens, South, Simpson, Gate City, Newman streets.

McDaniel street, formerly McDonough street.

Windsor street, formerly McDonough, Weser, Nelson streets.

East avenue, formerly Morris street.

Kendall street, formerly Magnum, Mayson, Morgan streets.

Shelton street, formerly Mayson street, Shelton alley.

Highland avenue, formerly east Harris street, East Hightower avenue.

Houston street, formerly Randolph street.

Ashland avenue, formerly General Gordon, Gordon avenue.

Auburn avenue, formerly Wheat street.

Edgewood avenue, formerly Foster, Forest streets.

Gospero street, formerly Gospero, Glaspero streets.

Randolph street, formerly Calloway street, Martins alley.

Fortune street, formerly Fortress, Fontaine streets.

Sampson street, formerly Simpson, Fontaine streets.

Krog street, formerly Wallace street.

Waddell street, formerly Wolfes avenue.

Hale street, formerly Joel Hurt, Oglethorpe streets.

Nelson street, formerly Bridge street.

Walker street, formerly Hayden, Collier, New Whitehall streets.

Bradberry street, formerly Wilkins alley.

Peters street, formerly Old Whitehall street, Newman.

Tattnall, formerly Nelson Ferry road, Trebussey street.

Larkin street, formerly Davis street.

Whitehall street, formerly Mitchell, Franklin streets.

Orange street, formerly Quarry street, Cozarts alley.

Rawson street, formerly High street, Faiths alley.

Richardson street, formerly Henry, Richmond streets.

Crumley street, formerly Connalley street, Mobbs alley.

Gregg street, formerly Brown’s alley.

Hood street, formerly Windsor street.

Spruce street, formerly Magazine street.

Foundry street, formerly Mechanic, King streets.

Magnolia street, formerly Magnum, Gabbott, Magazine, Foundry and West Cain streets.

Rhodes street, formerly Richards street.

Hunter street, formerly Green, Greer, Glenn and Cobb streets

Vine street, formerly Price, Erin streets.

Maple street, formerly Porter, Proctor, Loyd, Rock, Love, Howe, Law, Back streets.

Davis street, formerly Chattahoochee, Larkin, Rock, Delay, Front streets.

Elliott street, formerly Elbert, Ellis, Fowler streets.

Haynes street, formerly Manning, Harris, Booths alley, Hayden street, Markham and Stewart streets.

High street, formerly East Parsons street.

Chapel street, formerly Racetrack, Atherson, Greensferry road.

Bartow street, formerly Foundry alley.

Forsyth street, formerly Wadley, Gilber streets.

Broad street, formerly Market, Bridge street.

Harris street, formerly Howard street.

Baltimore place, formerly Hunnicutt avenue.

Price street, formerly Jones street.

Mills street, formerly Hunnicutt street.

Powers street, formerly Tannery street.

Fowler street, formerly Fulton street.

Orme street, formerly Eliza street.

Walnut street, formerly Green street.

Simpson street, formerly Henry street.

Henry street, formerly Ella, Tyler, Ellaby, Rock streets.

Rock street, formerly Beck, Racetrack streets.

Mayes street, formerly Delay, Brickyard, Doray streets.

Decatur street, formerly Marietta, Pearce, Shipley streets.

Wall street, formerly Railroad street.

Waverly place, formerly New street.

Trinity avenue, formerly Peters street.

Brotherton street, formerly Branch alley.

Capitol place, formerly Crew street.

Spencer avenue, formerly Thompson street, Madison avenue.

Peachtree street, formerly Whitehall street.

Capitol square, formerly Mitchell street.

Poplar street, formerly Grubb street.

Luckie street, formerly Grubb, Miller streets.

Earl street, formerly Harris, Latimer streets.

Warren place, formerly Perkins, Barnes streets.

Gilmer street, formerly Taylor, Filmore streets.

Central place, formerly Butler street.

Courtland avenue, formerly Collins street.

Piedmont avenue, formerly Calhoun, Catherine streets.

Frazier street, formerly Cravens alley.

King street, formerly Foundry street.

Moore street, formerly Henry, Haynes, Pine streets.

Bell street, formerly Hill street.

Eugenia street, formerly Clarks street.

Pine street, formerly Line street.

Currier street, formerly Spring street.

Forrest avenue, formerly Oslin, Austin, Dorsey streets.

West Peachtree street, formerly Luckie, Dahlonega streets, Payne alley.

Alexander street, formerly Tanyard, Clark, Cedar, Peters streets.

Peachtree street, formerly Ivy, Oak streets.

Butler street, formerly Ripley street.

Edgewood avenue, formerly Foster, Trout, Pitts, Line streets.

Auburn avenue, formerly Wheat street.

Bell street, formerly Valentine street.

Vernon place, formerly Chestnut street.

Tanner street, formerly Pratt, Fair streets.

College street, formerly Coca-Cola place.

Armstrong street, formerly Walnut, Jenkins streets.

Angler avenue, formerly Brumby, Nolan streets.

Rice street, formerly Spring street.

Chestnut avenue, formerly East avenue, Morris street.

Nutting street, formerly Pearl street.

Jackson street, formerly North, Randolph, Chase, Antoinette, Julian streets.

Boulevard, formerly Rolling Mill, Burnham. Jefferson, Foundry streets, East, Pittman avenues. Borne, Factory streets.

Eighth street, formerly Walker street.

Ponce de Leon avenue, formerly Ponce de Leon circle.

Burnham road, formerly Pittman avenue, Rolling Mill street.

North avenue, formerly Peters, Lane, Johnson, Emma, Holmes streets.

Linden avenue, formerly Fulton, Ravine, Mayer, Cox streets.

Merretts avenue, formerly Dairy, Mills, Glazier streets.

Oakland avenue, formerly Elmore, Gullatt, Stonewall streets.

Yonge street, formerly Krogs, New street.

Fitzgerald street, formerly Goodhue street.

Howell street, formerly Buices, Buses alley, Bass street, Howland avenue.

Cain street, formerly Willoughby street.

Fort street, formerly Tanyard, Wooding streets.

Hilliard street, formerly Floyd, Loyd, Boyd, Young, Washington, Randolph, Packard, Madison streets.

Hogue street, formerly Pegg street.

Glennwood avenue, Glynwood avenue.

Nemo street, formerly Orleans street.

Milledge avenue, Hansell, Dabnev street.

Cherokee avenue, formerly Thomas street.

Loomis avenue, formerly Loomis (…)

Gartwell street, formerly Chamberlin (…)

Horton street, formerly Houghton street.

George street, formerly Gray street.

Forsyth street, formerly Gilbert, Wadley streets.

Columbus avenue, formerly Mule street.

West avenue, formerly Rhodes street.

Carnegie place, formerly Church street.

East Peachtree terrace, formerly Powers street.

Bynum street, formerly Parks street.

Newport avenue, formerly Milledge avenue.

D’Alvigny street, formerly Abbott street.

Latimore street, West Baker street.

Nutting street, formerly Pearl street.




Council Dedicated Tract Permanently to Park Purposes.


Suggestion Was Made That It Be Called “Mims Park.”


New Park Will Be Graded and Trees Will Be Planted Before March 1st.

The city will soon have a new park near the Davis street school, to be known as “Blank park,” or at least that’s the way it appears in the ordinance adopted by council yesterday, dedicating the tract in question as a park and putting it under control of the bard of park commissioners.

An effort was made to have the new park designated as “Mims park,” in honor of the present mayor, but council preferred to leave the matter of the name to the park board and it took that course.

Reports received from the park commission and from the board of education with regard to the matter were read to council. The park commission agreed to take the tract of nine acres, in front of the Davis street school, and situated in both the first and fifth wards, under its care, provided council would dedicate it permanently to park purposes, would have it graded by the commissioner of public works, and would appropriate $600 to put it in condition as a park.

The board of education approved the plan for making a public park of the tract provided the strip of land between the school and Davis street shall be left for school purposes, and provided also that the park shall be properly policed so that there will be no interference with school exercises or with the school children by the crowds gathering there.

The councilmen from the first and fifth wards were anxious to have the matter settled at once, so that work on the new park may begin without delay. Severl of them made speeches urging action at once, and Councilman Fincher, who started the movement, and Councilman Minhinnet were especially anxious to have the matter settled forthwith.

Alderman Welch thought there should be further consideration of the question and moved its reference to a special committee composed of the chairman of the park commission, the chairman of the school committee, the city attorney and the city engineer.

It was urged that such action would defeat the efforts to establish the park this year, because trees will have to be planted before March 1st if they are planted at all this season.

Councilman Minhinnett offered a substitute for the motion of Alderman Welch to the effect that the reports of the park commission and the board of education be received and that council appropriate $600 from the contingent fund for the purpose of putting the tract in shape as a part at once. This motion was adopted, council only voting. Councilman Hill cast the only adverse vote to this proposition.

Later in the meeting an ordinance dedicating the tract which is at Davis and Spencer streets to permanent use a a park, putting it under control of the park commission and appropriating the required $600, was read a second time under suspension of the rules and adopted.

Before the ordinance was adopted Councilman Grady, speaking for Councilman Hill, who was under the weather, and for himself, moved that the park be named “Mims park,” in honor of the present mayor.

Councilman Fincher suggested that the naming of the park be left to the lady teachers at Davis street school, but withdrew his suggestion when Councilman Minhinnett moved that the naming of the new park be left to the park commission. This motion was adopted, and for the present it will remain “Blank park.”

The work of grading the new park will probably be begun this week, and within a few days the work of planting 900 trees there will be begun.



The Edict Goes Forth from the Police Court.


An Arrest Made Yesterday Morning as a Test Case—Ruling of the Police Court Judge.

Shall the boys skate on the asphalt streets or not?

This is now a burning issue with the police authorities, an issue which was focused yesterday morning by the arrest of one of the small boy skaters, and his trial in the police court.

It is claimed by the anti-skaters that the boys are a nuisance, as they get in the way of vehicles and catch hold of wagons and carriages when going up hill. The people who are with the skaters say the boys have as much right to skate as the “bicyclists have to bike;” that it is merely a matter of choice whether a person wishes to ride on two wheels or eight wheels; and that it will be base discrimination to rule out the roller skate and still allow bicycles the free use of the asphalted thoroughfares.

Yesterday morning Bicycle Officer McCurdy arrested Earl McDaniel, one of the boys who skate on Peachtree street. The fact that it was an officer on a wheel has not been lost sight of by the skating contingency, McCurdy says he made the case to test the matter.

The youth who was laid on the sacrificial altar of a legal test appeared in the police court yesterday afternoon. He pleaded guilty to the fact that he had rolled over the asphalt of Peachtree on roller skates. But he pleaded an ignorance of any law which disallowed such a pastime.

“There has been much complaint of late,” said Officer McCurdy, “of these boys annoying those who were riding in vehicles. I have made this case in order to get the court’s ruling on the matter.”

Judge Andy made a long and close search into the mysteries of city ordinances. He finally said that the only law he could find which might reach the skaters was the ordinance prohibiting any one from blockading the streets.

“I will dismiss this case,” said the recorder, “but I wish it understood that I am inclined to be with the anti-skaters in this fight, and I will have to fine the next boy who is caught skating on the asphalt.”

This decision is a bombshell among the boys who skate on Peachtree and Washington streets. At least one hundred youths have secured roller skates to use on the two streets paved with the smooth asphalt. What will be done now that the edict has gone out from the police court cannot be said. It is possible a fight will be made in the courts to the finish.


AC 1897-11-02 p7 Atlanta Will Have No FoobtallTHE CONSTITUTION: ATLANTA, GA., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1897

City Council Adopts an Ordinance Outlawing the Sport.




The Ordinance Applies to Small Boys and Big Men.




He Declares Football Is Too Brutal for This Clime—Council Adopts Ordinance Quickly.


The general council of Atlanta has stolen a march on the Georgia legislature and has won the distinction of enacting the first anti-football law. Sad news to the school boys, but true. The decree has gone forth that no more games shall be played within the limits of the capital city.

The days of football in Atlanta are gone. No longer will the boys meet on the gridiron to test their strength and skill and powers of endurance. This applies to footballists of all colors, ages and degrees: amateurs, professionals and plain footballists; all are on the same footing.

Yesterday Atlanta’s city fathers arose with almost one accord and with one swoop wiped football from the list of sports which can be indulged in the city. There was a brief struggle, weakening opposition, and then the deed was done; the ordinance was passed and now goes to the mayor for sanction before becoming effective.

Near the end of the quiet session of the council, when the members had already packed away their desk papers and began to restlessly await the motion to adjourn, Alderman Woodward quietly arose and said he had a proposition. The alderman secured the attention and he sent to Clerk Green’s desk a paper which he asked to be read, as follows:

The Anti-Football Ordinance.

“An ordinance to prevent the playing of the game of football in the city limits of Atlanta and in any territory incorporated for police purposes:

“Be it ordained by the mayor and general council of Atlanta that from and after the passage of this ordinance, it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to engage in or play the game of football within the city limits of Atlanta, or on any territory incorporated for police purposes.

“Be it further ordained that any person or persons violating this ordinance shall be subject to a fine of $100 or imprisonment for thirty days, either or both, in the discretion of the recorder.”

Mr. Woodward’s Roast of the Game

Mr. Woodward said the time had come when football should be suppressed.

“The game of football is entirely too brutal for this day of enlightenment and progress,” said Mr. Woodward. “It is a game in which the powers of endurance of the players are tested, often to the injury of the members of the teams. Players are hurt in nearly every game that is played, and many have been seriously injured or killed.

“It has only been a short time since an Atlanta boy was hurt in the game so badly he died from his injuries, and some time ago another Atlanta boy was killed while playing the game. The untimely death of young Gammon, of the University team, resulting from the injuries received in the game at Brisbine park Saturday afternoon, should be taken as a warning, and we should adopt an ordinance making it unlawful for the game to be played in this city, now while the question is before us.”

Councilman Peters Has a Question.

Councilman Peters is a young man, and he did not take kindly to the football ordinance. He used to play the game, and it occurred to him that the ordinance was a little broad in its provisions.

“Will this ordinance prevent the school boys from playing football?” asked Mr. Peters.

“It will, and that is why I offer it,” replied Mr. Woodward. “The boys are apt to be killed at any time, and it our duty to put a stop to the playing of the game, and save the parents of Atlanta anxiety.”

A motion was made to refer the ordinance to the ordinance committee, but the council members voted it down, and they then adopted the ordinance.

So, football in Atlanta is ended; long hair and other paraphernalia will now be sent to the junk pile. Football yells will no longer drive the nervous population to distraction, and peace will reign in the land.




Wheelmen Ask for Protection from Traffic on Two Streets.


They Do Not Favor Regulating Pryor and Peachtree Traffic,


The Cyclists of the City Are Beginning To Talk About Wheel Tracks and Better Roadway Improvements.

The bicyclists of the city will not be given exclusive rights on Peachtree and Pryor streets during certain hours of the evening. The ordinance committee of the council will make an adverse report on an ordinance turning the streets over to the cyclists during the hours from 4 to 8 o’clock p. m.

The proposed ordinance was designed to prohibit traffic of all kinds on the streets; leaving the roadways clear for the wheelmen. The matter came up on a petition signed by a number of cyclists of the city and when it was presented to the council the paper was referred to the ordinance committee.

Chairman Colvin, of that committee, caused an ordinance to be drawn up on the line of the petition so that the matter could be properly acted upon. Yesterday afternoon the committee was called together and after considerable discussion it was decided to report the ordinance to the council with an unfavorable recommendation. There is said to be a good deal of opposition to the project and it seems as if the question will fail of adoption.

While there are some councilmen who do not think the streets can be regulated in favor of the cyclists, still there is a growing sentiment in favor of providing better roadways for the popular mode of travel by many people. The cyclists say that the streets are in bad condition in many places and it will be no surprise to many at an early date to see the wheelmen of the city among those to urge the necessity of street improvements and the laying of such paving as is best for the riders.

In many cities of the country the wheelmen have taken a prominent part in the matter of public improvement legislation and in many places they have succeeded in persuading towns and cities to provide roadways where they formerly had none. The rapid increase in the number of cyclists is argued by them to justify their demand that the authorities begin to consider the question of better roadways. In some cities tracks and speedways are being constructed as a result of the agitation of the wheelmen.

It is said that the Atlanta wheelmen are vigorously opposed to the laying of any more belgian blocks on the principal thoroughfares and that they favor asphalt or brick pavement, making the roadways suitable for good riding. Of course, the number of wheelmen is as yet comparatively small as compared with the whole population, but as the riders increase so does the demand for better streets. The cyclists say that they are part of the public and that the growing popularity of wheel transit should cause the city authorities to look after their interests more than has been done in the past.

Peachtree and Pryor streets are, of course, two popular thoroughfares for the wheelmen, because those streets are asphalted in the case of the first and paved with smooth vitrified brick in the second instance. Every afternoon and early evening there can be seen scores of riders, male and female, spinning along at the top speed, exercising after the day’s work or out for a breath of fresh air. These streets are so popular among the riders that they determined to ask the council for better protection and the matter will be brought up Monday on the report of the ordinance committee agreed to yesterday.

Patriotic Mr. Day

AC 1896-05-09 p10 thumb


A Civic Insignia for Atlanta Seems To Be His Fad.


The Sanitary Committee Considers the City Flag, but the Aldermanic Board Wants More Light.

The aesthetic taste of Councilman Thomas Day will receive a sore shock when council again assembles, and a fond hope which he as been sacredly treasuring during the past fortnight may be dashed to earth.

In his patriotic zeal, Councilman Day introduced an ordinance before the general municipal assembly several weeks ago. As carefully recorded upon the big ledger of Clerk Phillips the ordinance read in toto:

“By Councilman Day, an ordinance establishing the flags and colors of the city of Atlanta.

“Whereas, the city of Atlanta has no authorized flag or ensign, and whereas, it is fitting that such should be established in accordance with the ancient custom of independent municipalities, therefore be it resolved by the mayor and general council of the city of Atlanta that the following shall be the forms, devices and colors of the civic flag, ensign and pennant of the city of Atlanta:

“That the colors in the several forms shall be yellow and blue, of hues or tints expressed upon the pattern, and the exact copy of which is hereby directed to be placed on file in the office of the clerk of the council and displayed in the city hall marked: ‘Approved colors of the city flags of Atlanta.’ ”

Councilman Day is one of the most patriotic members of the municipal assembly. This ordinance was the outspoken token of that higher valor which is indicative of statesmanship, and exemplifies inspiring instincts. Since his election, Councilman Day had long regretted the sad neglect which caused Atlanta to be without a flag. In his broad knowledge of effects the councilman had divined that nothing would be more ennobling of the boys and girls of Atlanta than some symbol of her progress, some material emblem of her wonderful prosperity, some flaming insignia to which the people of Atlanta could point with pride and proclaim lasting allegiance to its colors.

Just what colors these should be the aesthetic councilman could not at first decide.

It was one day in early spring when the silhouette of the doughty wardsman fell athwart the desk of Clerk of Council Phillips, and that official pushing his pen behind one ear asked what service could be rendered.

Councilman Day spoke in a voice full of serious contemplation and weighty deliberation:

“Phillips,” he said, “I have an idea.”

“Ah,” said the clerk, bending nearer with a look of wistful surprise.

“Yes, sir; I have an idea. Atlanta has no flag. Atlanta has no colors. Suppose some day the members of council should be called out in a body, as it often occurs; suppose there should be a public parade in which Atlanta ought to be represented, would it not be well for some emblematic colors to be displayed; would it not be meet and proper for us to fly our flag?”

“In truth that is an idea – an idea most meet and proper,” replied the clerk.

“Then,” continued the councilman, “why not write to some of the larger cities and find their flags and devices. This must be done at once.”

In accordance with this expressed wish Clerk Phillips issued a letter to many cities. Immediate replies were received. For the most part the larger cities did not have flags, but some samples were sent, and these were presented to Councilman Day.

The councilman supplemented these with a collection of colors which would dazzle an artist. He spread out before him all cardinal colors and as many shades and mixtures as could be gathered. Councilman Day first thought of red, but this was too flaring, and he decided to select something more austere. He had the colors arranged in their prismatic form, red, orange, yellow, green, indigo, violet. The councilman skipped orange, as it was not positive enough. It was yellow he decided upon, signifying the fading of all things bad in the city politic. Councilman Day is not a decadent, and his selection of this hue had no reference to degeneracy in any form. He wished another color and fixed upon blue, signifying hope – the blue of the skies.

In accordance with this his ordinance was framed and duly presented to council. Here it was read once and referred to the ordinance committee. Considering it in all its lights the committee reported favorably and returned it to council.

It was read the second time and referred to the sanitary committee. Councilman Day lifted his eyebrows in mild surprise. He could not understand what connection ditches and dirt could have with the glorious colors of the city of Atlanta. But Mayor Pro Tem. Hirsch was wanting in sentiment and ordered the matter to be considered by the sanitary committee.

At the last session of council Chairman Thomas, together with other matters of sanitation, reported on the color question. It was acted upon favorably by council and sent up to the aldermanic board. In the meantime it had chanced to fall into the hands of the mayor and he wrote his approval thereon. Yesterday it came up to be considered by the aldermanic board.

The flag was discussed from an artistic standpoint. Some of the members of the board did not like the yellow.

“Make it green,” said Mr. Colvin.

“Black would be better,” put in Colonel Howell.

Inasmuch as there were no colors with the ordinance, and inasmuch s there no drawing of the flag, nor anything to to show its device the alderman decided to refer it back to council. This disapproval will be a serious shock to the patriotism of Councilman Day. It will necessitate another sharp struggle for his colors.


The Constitution: Atlanta, GA – Sunday, April 19, 1896

Nearly Everybody, Young and Old, Rich and Poor, Is Riding Nowadays.

When Atlanta’s first big exposition was in progress fifteen years ago a spinster school teacher, tall and slender and elderly, was “seeing the sights” with her sister. She came from a little settlement hidden away in the mountains of Rabun county, and it was her first visit to a big city. The cotton exposition contained many marvels which excited her wonder, and she frequently expressed her surprise in the crude parlance of a mountaineer.

“Well, I’ll swow, Mandy,” she said on more than one occasion, “what will these city folks do next?”

Her greatest surprise-perhaps it would be fair to say-her greatest shock, occurred on the last day of her visit. The high bicycle was a new thing in Georgia at that time and its appearance on the streets was watched with interest by everyone. To the school teacher it was more than interesting, it was phenomenal, and at the first sight of one she clutched her sister’s arm in wild alarm and told her to “look quick and see that wheel running away with a man.”

The good lady, if she is still alive, would see about 1,200 wheels “running away” with men and women, too, if she would pay Atlanta a visit today.

The growth of the bicycle “craze,” as some people insist on calling it, has been very healthy and fairly rapid in this city of late. From December 1st there have been nearly 500 new wheels sold in Atlanta. Of this number 400 are being ridden daily by Atlanta people. There are 1,200 wheels in daily use here, which is clear evidence that bicycling is beginning to be appreciated as a healthy and enjoyable sport.

Those who think that Atlanta is leading in this innovation, however, are mistaken. Atlanta is not so far behind other cities on the bicycle question as to be ashamed of her position, but she is by no means leading the van, not even in the south. Savannah, St. Augustine and New Orleans have become thoroughly imbued with the bicycle fever, and in proportion to population they are slightly ahead of Atlanta.

If Atlanta had as many bicycles in proportion to population as Washington, New York, Boston and Chicago there would be in the neighborhood of 10,000 wheels instead of 1,200.

A bicycle salesman, one who is thoroughly posted on the bicycle situation in every city in America, said yesterday that he believed the bicycle business in Atlanta was more promising today than ever.

“The people here have just come to the full appreciation of the merits of the wheel,” he said, “and I confidently expect to see 2,000 wheels in this city at the close of the season where there are only 1,200 now. The people people are practically unanimous in indorsing the sport and society has stamped with its approval the debated question: “Shall women ride?”

Good Roads for Bicyclists.

Peachtree street is the wheelman’s delight. Pryor street is satisfying to the most fastidious. Aside from these two thoroughfares Atlanta is deficient in bicycle paths, but the suburban roads afford excellent riding. Those who have ridden long enough to become inured to a good, long tour, find a spin out to Lithia Springs or Stone Mountain enjoyable. The roadways through and around Inman Park are good. The trip to Buckhead makes a pleasing run of fourteen miles. One of the favorite bicycle paths is along the old Peachtree road and great things are expected of the road to the barracks if the government will pass the appropriation for improving it.

At present there are no large bicycle clubs here. Small parties can be seen every morning and evening when the heat of the sun is not oppressive, spinning away to the suburbs. Tourist parties from northern and eastern cities often rent wheels for an afternoon to take a better look at the Gate City and its surroundings.

It is said that preliminary steps are being taken to organize a very large club of local wheelmen who will take regular tours every evening.

Scorching Habit Condemned.

The theory that every rose has its thorns applies with as much truth to bicycling here as elsewhere. The “Scorcher” is the bete noir of the beginner’s life. As Mr. B. F. Copeland, the manager of the riding school at the Gate City Guard’s armory said yesterday: “There is nothing which so retards the growth of bicycling in this city as scorching. It would not be a bad idea if the city council would pass an ordinance prohibiting great speed within the corporate limits.”

This has been done in nearly all of the larger cities. In New York the policemen who are stationed along th Boulevard are provided with bicycles for the purpose of arresting wheelmen who go faster than the law allows. The great bicycle path from Brooklyn to Coney Island, which is said to be the finest in the world, is always patrolled by policemen in knickerbockers, who can “scorch” most of the racers when it is necessary to make an arrest. In case they cannot catch a fast racer their shrill whistle causes the policeman ahead of him to mount his wheel and when Mr. Scorcher has distanced his first follower he finds himself in the clutches of the second or third, as the case may be. It is impossible to escape and yet is surprising how many bold wheelmen will attempt it. There are at least a dozen such captures on the Brooklyn bicycle path every Sunday.

Atlanta Policemen on Bicycles.

The ladies of Atlanta are the great enemies of the scorchers. They have begun a crusade to have the habit stopped and they are firm in their determination. The chances for a bicycle squad for the Atlanta police force are good. In case the city council passes an ordinance restricting the speed on Peachtree street it will be necessary to mount the policemen who patrol that thoroughfare on bicycles in order to prevent violations of the ordinance.

Where Beginners Learn To Ride.

One of the most interesting sights to be seen in Atlanta at this season is the classes of beginners at the Columbia Bicycle academy in the Gate City Guard’s armory. There is much to arouse the mirth of the visitors, but there is little of humor to the novices themselves except when they are resting and their friends are “going through the mill.”

The beginner as a rule has the look of a wild horse who suddenly sees the approach of a locomotive for the first time. There is a glare of fright and curiosity in the eyes, which is in strange contrast with the clinched teeth and the expression of “do or die” depicted in the tightly closed mouth. The best time to see the show is from 8 to 10 o’clock at night, when the business men are taking their first lessons. Awkwardness, timidity, assumed boldness, despair and uncertain hope are illustrated as well as they could possibly be by the actions and expressions of the “first nighters.” It must be seen to be appreciated. No description can give a fair idea./

The management of the school says that the ladies learn very much more easily than the men. They are less awkward. The ladies’ classes are from 8 a. m. to 1 p. m. and 2 p. m. to 6 p. m. The ladies are also given what are known as direct lessons. When they reach a certain point in advancement and gain a little confidence they are put in charge of an instructor and taught on the street. There are many expert graduates of the school among the lady riders of the city.

Major Fitten a Graceful Wheelman.

Major John A. Fitten is one of the city’s graceful wheelmen. This is true despite the major’s 265 pounds. He flits about with ease, notwithstanding that he is a heavy weight.

He learned at the wheeling school in the Grand. It took him some time, but he learned thoroughly. His school days were attended with many hard knocks and falls, but he pulled through without any broken limbs. He is now having a huge wheel of stout frame specially manufactured for himself and in a short time he will be spinning over the city’s by-paths on his trusty charger.

Major Fitten took his lessons at the school at the early hour of 6 o’clock in the morning. Rosy from a good night’s sleep he would hie himself to the school. He would mount the wheel with the courage of a Spartan and proceed to land himself violently upon the floor some twenty feet from the starting point. Nothing discouraged, he would spring to his feet nimbly, scurry upon his vehicle and hurry away again.

He had a great rival in the person of Colonel Thornton, who also tips the scales at 265 pounds. They took lessons together and had many an exciting encounter. Their antics were the talk of the school and every pupil felt a deep personal interest in the outcome of their studies. They both graduated about the same time are now vieing with each other in the ease and grace with which they spin across the country.

The teacher, Mr. Copeland, also taught Speaker Tom Reed the mysteries of the wheel. This occurred last spring and it was not an easy task. The speaker weighs 295 pounds and he is not unlike Major Fitten in physical build. “Major Fitten is much more more agile,” said Mr. Copeland yesterday, “and handles himself much better. He learned much faster.”

Smashes a Wheel.

Jim McKeldin is one of the city’s enthusiasts. He has been riding a beautiful $125 wheel of which he is immensely proud. He was out on the asphalt with a party a few nights ago and met Major Fitten.

“You don’t know the first thing about riding,” said the major scornfully.

“I don’t, eh?” said Mr. McKeldin; “suppose you try it.” He hopped off his wheel. “Here, get up, major, and give us a lesson,” he said.

The major held back modestly. “Oh come on,” said Mr. McKeldin.

“Well, here goes,” said the major, and he made a leap for the saddle. The wheel shot gracefully forward. The pedals responded easily to the major’s expert touch. He went sailing down the asphalt as graceful as a fairy.

There was a sudden crash, and looking, Mr. McKeldin saw his wheel sink into utter ruin and collapse beneath the major’s portly form. It was not an ordinary collapse. It was an extraordinary one. The wheel did not simply break in part. It broke all to pieces, into hundreds of pieces. The seat was mashed as flat as one of Aunt Jemima’s pancakes, and the wires of the wheels were twisted into a million shapes. It was hard to tell whether it was the remains of a bicycle or a dynamo. There was no semblance of a wheel left.

Isham Daniel’s Ride.

Although Mr. Isham Daniel has laid strict injunction upon his companion not to repeat the story, it has gained general currency and I will repeat it here-the story of Isham Daniel’s swift and disastrous ride.

He took to the wheel gingerly. He did not enter into it with that conquer in-a-minute-or-die spirit. He was patient. He lacked confidence, and he wanted room. He did not like to ride on a street on which there were any other moving objects, and he always avoided cars. Cars were his pet fear.

He went out with Jim McKeldin the other afternoon late. He paced along carefully until Wilson avenue was reached. It’s a fine drop for the wheelmen down Wilson avenue to the expostion gate.

“Go it, Isham, I’ll follow,” said McKeldin.

Mr. Daniel moved forward slowly at first, his wheel gaining in celerity as he went. Presently it was moving at furious speed and the rider found his feet off the pedals and himself unable to regain control of the mad steed. At this juncture a car loomed into view, coming toward him in front. He knew for a certainty that collision with that car was inevitable. The thirty feet of space that he had on his side of the track was far too narrow to allow him to pass in safety. There was but one thing to do; he would dash into the sidewalk.

It was a startling spectacle that Mr. McKeldin looked down upon. He saw his comrade swerve violently to the right and with the force of a steam engine dash into the high curbing. The wheel stopped with a crash and was dashed to pieces, and the force of the collision lifted Mr. Daniel from his seat and planted him over in the vacant lot. He got up unhurt, glad to sacrifice a wheel as the price of his own life.

And There Are Others.

Mr. Thomas C. Erwin is also a victim of the freaks of the wheel. He was hurled from his, near Fort McPherson, last Sunday, and skated along the road on his face for a considerable distance. The experience was very damaging to the smooth contour of his face.

And there are others who are wearing bandages, poultices and plaster casts. The percentage of accidents is naturally high, considering the large number or riders there are in Atlanta. None of the sufferers from the wheel have given up, however. They are waiting to get well, when they will ride again.